A free trial is a great way to try TrueClicks for companies managing up to $400K in ad spend each month.
During the trial, you’ll get complete access to TrueClicks with no spend limits. After the trial ends, you can keep using a free version of TrueClicks, with a limit of $50K per month in ad spend.
The free trial lasts 30 days, offering unlimited access to:
Linked accounts
Total spend
Number of users
Full feature set
If your team manages over $400K in ad spend per month, check out our pilot project. This 3-month pilot, designed for higher spend levels, costs $2,000 (or €2,000) and provides a comprehensive, ungamified experience to evaluate TrueClicks’ full potential.
The only limitation is time, how will your team make the most of it? We believe it's by answering a few questions in advance: