What are placement exclusions from external sources?
With these tasks, you can prevent even more waste by letting us auto-detecting wasteful or low-quality placements based on external lists.
Supported exclusion lists
Lunio: A built-in list of over 100,000 placements with a Traffic Quality Rating (TQR) of 10% or less. (https://lp.lunio.ai/100k-display-placement-exclusion/)
External list(s): Create custom exclusion lists using Google Sheets.
Using External list(s)
We can auto-detect if your ads are shown on websites from external exclusion lists.
We'll cross-check and add these websites to an exclusion list of your choice as soon as you have at least 1 impression of such a website. This keeps your exclusion list clean and effective, compared to adding it directly to Google Ads placement exclusion list.
1. Create a Google Sheet
Create a Google Sheet
The first column must have the header "Placement".
Below the header, list the placement URLs you wish to exclude (websites, apps, YouTube channels/videos), one per row.
2. Adjust Sharing Permissions
Go to Share > General access.
Change the default 'Restricted' setting to "Anyone with the link".
Copy the shareable link.
3. Enter the Sheet URL(s):
Paste the copied link(s) into the designated field(s) within your ad management system.
Important note
We automatically exclude placements where your account had at least one impression, keeping your exclusion lists focused on relevant sites.