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Analyzing the All accounts dashboard
Analyzing the All accounts dashboard

Spot issues and opportunities at-a-glance

Wijnand Meijer avatar
Written by Wijnand Meijer
Updated this week

Once you've linked accounts, the All Accounts page is the starting point within TrueClicks, so it's important to know exactly how to read each part of this dashboard.

Let's go through the different sections one by one.

My Accounts toggle

If you have selected accounts as My Accounts, which we highly recommend, the toggle in the top left next to the search field will change the view to My Accounts only.
This is especially useful if there are many accounts linked to TrueClicks, and you're only interested in the ones you actually manage.

Search for accounts or labels

If there are many accounts linked to TrueClicks, searching based on name or customer ID is the fastest way to find the account you're looking for.
We'll show the matching accounts as soon as you start typing.

You can also search for labels from this box, read more about account labels over here.

Converting the cost column to one currency

In the case there are different currencies being used within your linked accounts, you can pick which currency you'd like the Cost column to show, so that sorting on this column actually makes sense.
Please note that this conversion only applies to the cost (last 30 days) column in the All Accounts view, not to cost-related data within an account.


By default, accounts are sorted alphabetically, with the exception of
accounts with urgent issues, which will show in red and on top, to ensure you don't miss these.

By clicking on the header Account above the table with accounts, you can sort accounts alphabetically regardless of urgent issues.

Monitoring: Errors

The first column next to the account name shows the amount of errors we found in that account. As this is part of our monitoring functionality, this is updated daily. By clicking on this number, the specific account page will be loaded with the errors at the top of the page.

By clicking on the Errors icon above the table with accounts, you can sort all accounts by the amount of errors we found, from high to low or low to high.

Monitoring: Disapprovals

The second column next to the account name shows the amount of disapprovals we found in that account. As this is part of our monitoring functionality, this is updated daily. By clicking on this number, the specific account page will be loaded with the disapprovals at the top of the page.

By clicking on the Disapprovals icon above the table with accounts, you can sort all accounts by the amount of disapprovals we found, from high to low or low to high.

Monitoring: Anomalies

The third column next to the account name shows the amount of anomalies we found in that account. As this is part of our monitoring functionality, this is updated daily. By clicking on this number, the specific account page will be loaded with the anomalies at the top of the page.
An anomaly is currently defined as an increase or decrease of at least 50% in account-level cost, clicks or conversions for yesterday, compared to the average for that day of the week. This isn't necessarily bad, but it's worth investigating if there are legitimate reasons (like seasonality) for this large difference. 

By clicking on the Anomalies icon above the table with accounts, you can sort all accounts by the amount of anomalies we found, from high to low or low to high.

Auditing: Essentials

The fourth column next to the account name (and the first one from the auditing section) shows the amount of essential opportunities we found in that account. As this is part of our auditing functionality, this is updated every Monday or whenever you click the re-run button at the account-level.
By clicking on this number the specific account page will be loaded with the essentials found at the top of the page.

By clicking on the Essentials icon above the table with accounts, you can sort all accounts by the amount of essential opportunities we found, from high to low or low to high.

Auditing: Cost-saving Opportunities

The fifth column next to the account name (and the second one from the auditing section) shows the amount of cost-saving opportunities we found in that account. As this is part of our auditing functionality, this is updated every Monday or whenever you click the re-run button at the account-level.
By clicking on this number, the specific account page will be loaded with the cost-saving opportunities at the top of the page.

By clicking on the Cost-saving opportunities icon above the table with accounts, you can sort all accounts by the amount of cost-saving opportunities we found, from high to low or low to high.

Auditing: Growth Opportunities

The sixth column next to the account name (and the third one from the auditing section) shows the amount of growth opportunities we found in that account. As this is part of our auditing functionality, this is updated every Monday or whenever you click the re-run button at the account-level.
By clicking on this number, the specific account page will be loaded with the growth opportunities at the top of the page.

By clicking on the Growth opportunities icon above the table with accounts, you can sort all accounts by the amount of growth opportunities we found, from high to low or low to high.

Auditing: Account Hygiene issues

The seventh column next to the account name (and the fourth one from the auditing section) shows the amount of account hygiene opportunities we found in that account. As this is part of our auditing functionality, this is updated every Monday or whenever you click the re-run button at the account-level.
By clicking on this number, the specific account page will be loaded with the account hygiene issues at the top of the page.

By clicking on the Account hygiene issues icon above the table with accounts, you can sort all accounts by the amount of account hygiene issues we found, from high to low or low to high.

The TrueClicks Score

This is our custom-weighted score to express how well the account is following best practices, based on the most recent audit of that account. Depending on your custom attribute settings and whether or not the account has Shopping campaigns, this score is currently based on 50 to 70 best practice checks.

So the score currently isn't impacted by the monitoring part of TrueClicks. But it may in the future and we'll update it here if it does.

By clicking on the header TrueClicks Score above the table with accounts, you can sort the accounts from low to high or high to low based on this score.

We regularly get the following questions about the TrueClicks score:

  • What is a good score?
    We'd like to think at least 70% is reachable for any account, on a relatively short term. We also see it's pretty hard to get the score above 90%. But in the end, we believe you should care most about the improvement and take whatever score an account gets as a starting point to start improving the account and with that, the TrueClicks score.

  • How is it different from Google's optimization score?
    There are many differences. First of all, Google's score is for search campaigns only while TrueClicks also includes Shopping and Display campaigns.
    Also, if you dismiss a recommendation from Google, your optimization score will increase as much as if you would have applied that recommendation. TrueClicks does not let you dismiss recommendations and would surely not increase your score without seeing an actual improvement in the account.
    Related to the previous point: Google's score and recommendations may be influenced by elements that don't make sense for a specific account (e.g. certain ad extensions or smart bidding options), which is why we created custom attributes in TrueClicks, so you can disable certain checks permanently, instead of having to regularly dismiss them.
    Having mentioned these differences, you will probably also find quite a few common checks in both Google's recommendations and ours, although the way of analyzing and presenting the data may be different. Google's data (especially uplift estimates) is often based on 7 days, TrueClicks usually looks back at longer time frames.

  • What will be the impact on the score if I fix specific opportunities or issues?
    This is another difference with Google's optimization score, we currently don't show the expected increase in the TrueClicks score if you would implement one of our recommendations. As we're continuously adding and improving checks, we would also need to continuously change this expected uplift, which we choose not to do currently.
    However, you can get a feel for this uplift at a category level, by clicking on of the categories within an account.

Monitoring: Activity

In the column right from the TrueClicks score, we show you the amount of non-bidding changes that have been made in that account, during the last 14 days.

The reason we show it to the right from the TrueClicks score (and not together with the other monitoring elements on the left), is that a high number in this column is a good thing. On the contrary, you'll want all numbers on the left of the TrueClicks score to be as low as possible.

If you add an account to TrueClicks, this column will be empty (--) for the first 14 days. After that, it will be updated daily.

By clicking on the Non-bidding changes made during the last 14 days icon above the table with accounts, you can sort all accounts by the amount of changes made, from high to low or low to high.


This column simply shows the total account cost (spend) during the last 30 days.
By clicking on the header Cost above the table with accounts, you can sort the accounts from low to high or high to low based on the cost. If you have accounts with different currencies, we recommend to first convert the cost column to one currency as described above.

Customer ID

This column simply shows the Google Ads customer ID for an account, which can be useful to double-check it's the same account as in Google Ads. You can also search on customer ID in the search box above the accounts table.

Custom Attributes

This column shows which percentage of the custom attribute questions have been answered for a specific account.
If none of the questions have been answered, it will show Enter and if all questions have been answered, it will show a green check mark.

We highly recommend to (bulk) enter the custom attributes for all your accounts, as this will make our audits more customized to the accounts. It's also a quick way to slightly increase your TrueClicks score, as it usually means we will no longer check (and give a low score) elements that don't make sense for a specific account.

By clicking on the header Custom Attributes above the table with accounts, you can sort the accounts from low to high or high to low based on how many of the custom attribute questions have been answered.

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